demir testeresi

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demir testeresi
hack saw
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Phonetic: "/hæk/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A tool for chopping.

Definition: A hacking blow.

Definition: A gouge or notch made by such a blow.

Definition: A dry cough.

Definition: A hacking; a catch in speaking; a short, broken cough.

Definition: A try, an attempt.

Definition: The foothold traditionally cut into the ice from which the person who throws the rock pushes off for delivery.

Definition: A mattock or a miner's pickaxe.

Definition: An expedient, temporary solution, such as a small patch or change to code, meant to be replaced with a more elegant solution at a later date.

Definition: An interesting technical achievement, particularly in computer programming.

Definition: A trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method to increase productivity, efficiency or ease.

Example: Putting your phone in a sandwich bag when you go to the beach is such a great hack.

Definition: An illegal attempt to gain access to a computer network.

Definition: A video game or any computer software that has been altered from its original state.

Definition: Time check.

Definition: A swing of the bat at a pitched ball by the batter.

Example: He took a few hacks, but the pitcher finally struck him out.

Definition: A kick on the shins in football.

Definition: Confinement of an officer to their stateroom as a punishment.

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Phonetic: "/hæk/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To chop or cut down in a rough manner.

Example: They hacked the brush down and made their way through the jungle.

Definition: To cough noisily.

Example: This cold is awful. I can't stop hacking.

Definition: To withstand or put up with a difficult situation.

Example: Can you hack it out here with no electricity or running water?

Definition: To make a quick code change to patch a computer program, often one that, while being effective, is inelegant or makes the program harder to maintain.

Example: I hacked in a fix for this bug, but we'll still have to do a real fix later.

Definition: To accomplish a difficult programming task.

Example: He can hack like no one else and make the program work as expected.

Definition: To work with something on an intimately technical level.

Example: I'm currently hacking distributed garbage collection.

Definition: (by extension) To apply a trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method to something to increase productivity, efficiency or ease.

Example: I read up on dating tips so I can hack my sex life.

Definition: To hack into; to gain unauthorized access to (a computer system, e.g., a website, or network) by manipulating code.

Definition: (by extension) To gain unauthorised access to a computer or online account belonging to (a person or organisation).

Example: When I logged into the social network, I discovered I'd been hacked.

Definition: To strike an opponent's leg with one's hockey stick.

Example: He's going to the penalty box after hacking the defender in front of the goal.

Definition: To make a flailing attempt to hit the puck with a hockey stick.

Example: There's a scramble in front of the net as the forwards are hacking at the bouncing puck.

Definition: To swing at a pitched ball.

Example: He went to the batter's box hacking.

Definition: (soccer and rugby) To kick (a player) on the shins.

Definition: To strike in a frantic movement.

Definition: To strike lightly as part of tapotement massage.

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Phonetic: "/sɔː/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A tool with a toothed blade used for cutting hard substances, in particular wood or metal

Definition: A musical saw.

Definition: A sawtooth wave.

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Phonetic: "/sɔː/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To cut (something) with a saw.

Example: They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented;

Definition: To make a motion back and forth similar to cutting something with a saw.

Example: The fiddler sawed away at his instrument.

Definition: To be cut with a saw.

Example: The timber saws smoothly.

Definition: To form or produce (something) by cutting with a saw.

Example: to saw boards or planks (i.e. to saw logs or timber into boards or planks)

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